Our mission is to empower young girls to grow up to be self-sustainable, confident women. These girls often have a rough start in life. We exist to be a safe-haven for them to come to in time of need, to be able to get food and shelter if needed,... OPERATION BLESS THE ORPHANS CAMPAIGN Save the Young Girls Foundation Orphanage in Sierra Leone needs our support to Empower and encourage 31 girls this holiday season. Collectively we can put a smile on the faces of the motherless and fatherless. With your support, we can raise funds to host a memorable Christmas party for them to enjoy. Additionally we have donations from the US that we need to ship to the Orphanage. Please help us to bring joy to the Orphanage and Empower them for a better tomorrow!
The Balance on this Campaign as of 09-28-2018 of $100.00 CAD was paid To SUSAN SESAY CEO of Save The Young Girls Foundation
Receipt 28-10-2018 --17:23:00 EDT
Cash pick up instructions:
Mugerwa will need the following at an agent location
1. Government-issued photo ID.
2. Tracking number (MTCN) 3X3 44X 9XX2.
Transfer amount $100.00 CAD Transfer fee $5.00 CAD Total $155.00 CAD Exchange rate 6132.99.11614
Total to receiver 613,300.00 Sierra Leone Leone
Please Note: SFN paid for the Transfer fees of $5.00 CAD as our contribution.
Thank You Donor's Your Gift Makes a Difference.