2021-11-16 Delegates from Congo planning a Urantia Book Conference for the DR Congo in Goma
This was a preparatory planning meeting for a very mega meeting which was held here at Comrade Hotel Seeta, with the delegates from Congo! The UB leaders training gathering of 1,300 will be in Goma of Congo!!
Social Networking For The World Wide Spiritual Fellowship Of All Mankind
You can't imagine how this Nation of Congo is on a high reception level for the New revelations!!
Here we were in the Bus park off seeing our Bishop Kambale Kalao Jean Pierre in charge of our ministry in Congo and now very much excited to have found a book with the very truth that world demands.
They are carrying Boxes of UB which shall be distributed ahead of time before we reach there for the conference on December 14th 2021.
At our previous meetings
At our previous meetings we were able to come out with a program for the day, a budget was drafted and responsibilities were allocated to different ministers!
1. Agreed on dates for the Conference to be on 15th-December UpTo 17th December.
2. Agreed that On 17th we shall have purely Women Corps gathering which may be about 800
3. Agreed that Certificates of participation in the three days training be prepared to be issued to all participants
4. Agreed to help in hiring of the Venue for the Conference
5. The participants shall take care of themselves if we can, we will provide them the writing materials to the participants
6. Participants shall feed, accommodate and transport themselves to and from the conference
7. Agreed that we get get brothers and sisters from other countries to partially talk or facilitate in the gathering
8. Agreed that special announcement about our gathering will be done on Local Radios and Newspaper where possible.
9. Arrival of us from here Uganda should be by 14th to avoid inconveniences to the conference
10. Simple flyers if possible to be printed out and sent to Congo in time!
These delegates will be taking back the 80 copies of the Urantia book hard copies!
This Conference planned for December 15 to 17th,2021 is intended only for the introduction of the Urantia Book and formation of leadership of this Country and coordination teams and forming the executive and group formation as well as establishment of the first Study Groups for the New Revelations. We estimate we will have one book for every 50 students of the revelation.
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