SARMI Serving the Poor during June Lockdown 2021
We are privileged to inform you all that there has been a panic with in us seeing our suffering poor people, and more other vulnerable categories under untimely lockdown without stored food and fruits.
However, I and my lovely Wife Caroline we had operated a piggery farm which we started with four pigs that I was donated from some of our friends in Canada. Time came and swine flue attacked us and the farm did not survive and we were left with only one pig after loosing 12 .
Our Heavenly father was merciful that from that one pig we had reached again 13 and we were very happy to have this but shortly after we had another mega multiplication of more than at least 30 expected number of pigs, we suspected an attack of the same kind and so we decided to sell off our pigs and left a few and we had kept that money until things normalises so we can go back to our vision.
Unfortunately again there came another lockdown and we had nothing to do apart from getting that money and purchase food for our people. Also one of our brothers whom I will not mention here without his permission through sister Monica gave us some assistance to make this possible.
This exercise happened recently here at SEETA-MUKONO, BUGOBA-ZONE community among the members of our church community and the UB reader's groups.
We still need more help from whoever will be able to help us. We have more 200 more terribly suffering people in our communities to stand with to save people's lives who may die of hunger even before the Corona virus itself.
Siloam Altar Revival Ministries International
Welcome to SILOAM Alter Revival Ministries International
Our Ministry has presently seven hundred Churches who are working...