Urantia Revelation Outreach and Training Activities February 2021


Golden Age Foundation (GAF ug)




M4ST project is aiming at contributing to the extension of spiritual truth to the communities of Kigezi Region. It targets a number of 30 members (individual readers) by the end of the project period.


Implementation Progress.

  • -Kabale, 13 members received the Urantia books and are reading individually. The project commenced on 30th January 2021, on this day 8 members attended the induction meeting whereby the presentation about the Urantia book was made. The team held a discussion after the presentation, and it was all fruitful and suggested to start a WhatsApp group where we can continue sharing information from.
  • -In Kanungu we have a team of 11 members who are individual readers, of which I have met each physically and have had one on one discussions and have shared with them the presentation.
  • -I have continued to introduce the UB to my friends even outside Kigezi region I have sent 2 books to my friends in Fort Portal. I introduced this book to my other friend who is in United States, he is a medicine student at Wayne state school of medicine, and he will soon contact the team for the copy.

Lessons learned

People need spiritual information but have strings attached with religiosity and information from outside their spiritual denominations is questioned harshly.

Project Adjustments.

  • -It is becoming hard to have all the readers together at the same time, as everyone is committed at the respective place of work, I have resorted to visiting each individual to the workplaces at each ones convenience.
  • -We have introduced a social media platform (WhatsApp) where we have discussions concerning the revelations and where we share information from.


A word of thanks to the leaders, for the great support and love for the extension of the revelation.

Angello Rutaremwa.  

Golden Ages Foundation Uganda.

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Angello Rutaremwa Emmy - Golden Ages Foundation is a charity none for profit organisation. It is a Uganda base charity organization in southern Western part of the country. It operates in two districts that is Kabale and Rubanda with hopes of extending it's operations to Kanungu district. Golden Ages Foundation started in the late months of 2015 and was fully registered in June 2016 as a community based charity organization.