2021 01 04 Mayguge District Eastern Uganda
Certificates of Appreciation | Summaries of the UB Revelations
This weekend on January 4th 2021 we had a great outreach in Mayuge District Eastern Uganda with our amazing groups. All of these are group leaders, we gave them a feast as they shared a meal with their members.
We also awarded Certificates of Appreciation to groups in general that have been part and partial of our work since our establishment as a Foundation.
This reflection meeting involved all religions and we shared the summaries of the Urantia Book Revelations and exchanged thoughts on how to improve them better along with other programs that we have at hand. This was one of a kind Engagement that we have held for the first time and we believe that we can do more and better in times ahead.
On behalf of Wilmat Development Foundation I would like to take this opportunity give our heartfelt thanks to the Urantia Fellowship International Committee and their generous supporters from the greater Urantia family for providing the Jazz Mobile Address System used at this gathering. This battery backed Bluetooth Power Mic & Speaker system worked throughout the day and into the evening at full power. I preached throughout the day and those assembled enjoyed these sermons.
Matte Jockas
Matte Jockas is a God-Loving and Gospel preacher-Evangelist in Uganda who loves missionary word that aims at reaching out to the under-privileged people...