Students of a Divine Revelation of Truth

Students of a Divine Revelation of Truth







My students demonstrating their understanding of the new revelation.

Gumpi Andrew Cohen

Gumpi Andrew Cohen

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Gumpi Andrew Cohen

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  • Paul Kemp Administrator
    By Paul Kemp Administrator

    Brother you are an inspiration. Whenever God's children come together the Universe unfailingly provides leadership. You are showing forth this ability to lead the way forward. Your students are truly blessed to have you showing the way. Those who embrace these new revelations will forever end in their minds any confusion about the true and loving nature of God our Father in Heaven and will come to know the living Jesus both as the son of man as he was while living in the flesh walking with us and as the Son of the Living God as he is known on high. And his indwelling spirit of truth will ever speak directly to their innermost souls saying always "This is the way walk therein" as they walk the earthly path towards their salvation in the eternal Universes of the Father.

    May the spirit of the Father and also of the Son continue to guide you as you lead the way forward.

  • Paul Kemp Administrator
    By Paul Kemp Administrator

    From the Revelations

    195:10.17 Even secular education could help in this great spiritual renaissance if it would pay more attention to the work of teaching youth how to engage in life planning and character progression. The purpose of all education should be to foster and further the supreme purpose of life, the development of a majestic and well-balanced personality. There is great need for the teaching of moral discipline in the place of so much self-gratification. Upon such a foundation religion may contribute its spiritual incentive to the enlargement and enrichment of mortal life, even to the security and enhancement of life eternal.

    195:10.10 If the Christian church would only dare to espouse the Master's program, thousands of apparently indifferent youths would rush forward to enlist in such a spiritual undertaking, and they would not hesitate to go all the way through with this great adventure.

  • Paul Kemp Administrator
    By Paul Kemp Administrator

    News: A Letter Andrew Wrote: 3/11/20

    Teaching the new revelation is proving to be so interesting to me! As I teach my own students every day after normal class lessons in the evening hours.

    After teaching I give them chance to explain their understanding of the new book as they call it.

    I also give them chance to ask questions which I answer to their certification as a function of learning.

    My student asked what I learned from the story of Moses on paper 96/ 1058.

    After teaching them.

     "This is a bout service and commitment, unity, and self awareness."

    I also asked her how our community would be if we had such leaders around us!

    She then requested me to organise a lecture with her family members and the community a round her family.


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Urantia Africa

Urantia Africa

Urantia Renaissance Africa - Our Mission To bring a new and higher revelation of truth to the Continent of Africa One of the most important things in human living is to find out what Jesus believed, to discover his ideals, and to strive for the achievement of his exalted life purpose. Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it. Come and join us as we bring the new teachings to Africa fulfilling this prophecy. A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism. Our World is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment. This journey will bring the flame of freedom to our hearts and the light of knowledge in our eyes. Godspeed.

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