All Site Activity

    • Bill Bricker
      Bill Bricker published a blog post Good News -- Gospel ~
      Eternal salvation, by simple "faith" is the gospel, and “The Fatherhood of God and the son-ship and consequent brotherhood of all men/women” is the gospel of the kingdom."
      • SaleemMasih
        SaleemMasih created a new photo album Post Photos Saleem Akhter
        • Banner Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
        • Paul Kemp Administrator
          Paul Kemp Administrator is now a friend with Robert Walugosi
            Paul Kemp Administrator
              Robert Walugosi
              • David Onche


                • Paul Kemp Administrator
                  Paul Kemp Administrator posted to the wire

                  Monday March 6th Please take note: Site Upgrade will be taking place today and the website will be offline for a period of time

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator
                    P● 110:6.4  When the development of the intellectual nature proceeds faster than that of the spiritual, such a situation renders communication with the Thought Adjuster both difficult and dangerous. Likewise, overspiritual development tends to...
                    • Paul Kemp Administrator
                      To “follow Jesus” means to personally share his religious faith and to enter into the spirit of the Master’s life of unselfish service for man. One of the most important things in human living is to find out what Jesus believed, to discover his...
                      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.
                        Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo. added 4 photos to the album Abegunde Post Images
                        • Conference Topic: Living your life in the light of Urantia book's teachings.
                        • Conference Topic: Living your life in the light of Urantia book's teachings.
                        • Conference Topic: Living your life in the light of Urantia book's teachings.
                        • Conference Topic: Living your life in the light of Urantia book's teachings.
                        • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.
                          Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo. created a new photo album Abegunde Post Images
                          • Urantia Fellowships Nigeria
                          • Paul Kemp Administrator
                            • Paul Kemp Administrator
                              Paul Kemp Administrator posted to the wire

                              A dance of athletic talent

                              • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                                He is called Mukaaya Hakiram

                                He is five years old. And attends primary three.

                                He wants to become an engineer in the future and he has been with us eight months down the road.  ~ March 1st  2017


                                He is called Mukaaya Hatim

                                He is four years old. And attends primary two class.

                                He wants to become a police man in the future. He has been with us for six months. ~ March 1st  2017


                                He is called Mukisa.

                                He is six years old. He is not attending school this term for various reasons.

                                mukisa is so quiet in his daily life and he wants to become a surgeon in the future. March 1st  2017


                                He is called Nsingoma Henry.

                                He is six years old. He is attending primary three school this term. March 1st  2017


                                She is called Tracy.

                                She is three years old. She is attending nursery and she is in a foster home though she is still under our responsibility. She wants to be an architectect in the future  


                                He is called Bright.

                                He is three years old. He started staying with us just of recent and he is not attending school at this moment. March 1st  2017


                                She is called Kisakye.

                                She is three years old and nine months. She is top of her class. She sounds so funny and she is so inspiring in her daily life.  March 1st  2017


                                Our Matron says this guy is ever shabby but at times he tries to be polite in his daily life. 

                                He is three years old and he has stayed with us only two months down the road. He is in Baby class, and he is trying hard to be the second this term. March 1st  2017


                                Here is Musa.

                                He is seven years old. He is a kind of man who is going to be a bit short. This boy has been with us for one year and eight months. March 1st  2017


                                Here is Tony.

                                He is ever busy doing art in clay down the swamp, he is six - seven years old. doing his primary five class. His father was an electrician and that is what he also wants to do in the future. March 1st  2017



                                • Bill Bricker
                                  Keeping that good forward action strong and consistent 
                                  • Flynn
                                    Flynn joined the site
                                    • Monica Kemp
                                      Monica Kemp commented on the blog The Devil's Milk

                                      Your prose carries such clarification of your salient and so important ideas, Barry, it is a pleasure to be transported to the intelligent realm in which you reside with your indwelling Spirits. Thank you.

                                      • Laver
                                        Laver joined the site
                                        • Bill Bricker
                                          Bill Bricker published a blog post The Impossible Moment to Express with Words
                                          At some point in deep meditation and worship
                                          • Granier
                                            Granier joined the site
                                            • Robert Walugosi

                                              Hello, my name is Nusulla Nakabajjo.


                                              Hello, my name is Namato Hadijah.


                                              Hello, my name is Halim Nambi.


                                              Hello, my name is Kakonge Edward.


                                              Hello, my name is Katono Winnie.


                                              Hello, my name is Kato Mutema.


                                              Hello, my name is Wabuzi Alvin.


                                              Hello, my name is Ahummed Gweri


                                              Hello, my name is Nabirye Jane.


                                              Hello, my name is Nivholus Bazimya.


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