All Site Activity

    • Beth
      Beth has a new avatar
      • David Onche
        David Onche posted to the wire

        @Paula Koerwitz welcome to

        • Beth
          Beth commented on the album Beth's Page and Blog Images
          Art Supplies     ​ My art club at school raised $47.00 for school supplies for the kids. Here they are with the supplies they were able to get. There wasn't enough for everyone. You can help by donating to the Donorsee...
          • Pavel
            Pavel joined the site
            • Mother Earth
              Mother Earth created a new photo album Creatures We Share Life With
              • Creatures We Share Life With
              • Beth
                Beth created a new photo album Beth's Page and Blog Images
                • Butiiki Children's Ministry receive their first donations from Beth's DonorSee Fund Raiser!
                • Beth

                  Art Supplies



                  My art club at school raised $47.00 for school supplies for the kids. Here they are with the supplies they were able to get. There wasn't enough for everyone. You can help by donating to the Donorsee fundraiser.












                • Beth
                  Beth created a new photo album Art For The Children Of The World
                  • Earth with Art
                  • Paul Kemp Administrator
                    Paul Kemp Administrator commented on the blog Fundraiser

                    The Children You Are Supporting Can Be Seen Here

                    • Beth
                      Beth published a blog post Fundraiser in the group The Butiiki Children's Ministry ● Jinja, Uganda, Africa
                      With God all things are possible!
                      • Paul Kemp Administrator
                        By Paul Kemp Administrator

                        The Children You Are Supporting Can Be Seen Here

                      • Beth
                        Beth added a new discussion topic Fundraiser in the group The Butiiki Children's Ministry ● Jinja, Uganda, Africa
                        I have started a fundraiser for the Ministry. Check it out at:
                        • Beth
                          Beth posted to the wire

                          Hi everyone! Please check out this fundraiser to benefit the orphans of Butiiki Children's Ministry:

                          • Beth
                            Beth posted to the wire

                            Welcome Paula! I'm happy you are here.

                            • Monica Kemp
                              Monica Kemp posted to the wire

                              Hi, Paula! Welcome to the group!

                              • Joshua Ben Joseph
                                Joshua Ben Joseph created a page Our Religion in the group Urantia Religions
                                “Our Religion”      After the arduous labor of effecting this compilation of the teachings of the world religions concerning the Paradise Father, Ganid set himself to the task of formulating what he deemed to be a summary of the belief...
                                • Joshua Ben Joseph
                                  Joshua Ben Joseph created a page Confucianism in the group Urantia Religions
                                  Confucianism      Even the least God-recognizing of the world’s great religions acknowledged the monotheism of the Melchizedek missionaries and their persistent successors. Ganid’s summary of Confucianism was:      “What Heaven...
                                  • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                    Paul Kemp Administrator created a page Taoism in the group Urantia Religions
                                    Taoism      The messengers of Melchizedek penetrated far into China, and the doctrine of one God became a part of the earlier teachings of several Chinese religions; the one persisting the longest and containing most of the...
                                    • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                      Paul Kemp Administrator created a page Shinto in the group Urantia Religions
                                      Shinto      Only recently had the manuscripts of this Far-Eastern religion been lodged in the Alexandrian library. It was the one world religion of which Ganid had never heard. This belief also contained remnants of the earlier...
                                      • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                        Paul Kemp Administrator created a page Suduanism (Jainism) in the group Urantia Religions
                                        Suduanism (Jainism)      The third group of religious believers who preserved the doctrine of one God in India — the survival of the Melchizedek teaching — were known in those days as the Suduanists. Latterly these believers have...
                                        • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                          Paul Kemp Administrator posted to the wire

                                          Paula Koerwitz welcome to the Spiritual Family Network Community. I hope you find many new friends and activities here on our network.

                                          • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru
                                            Amazing work is always rewarded with amazing miracles from our father in the heaven.
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