A Paradise Son
In spirit and nature, if not in all attributes, each Paradise Son is a divinely perfect portraiture of the Original Son. It is literally true, whosoever has seen a Paradise Son has seen the Eternal Son of God. 7:5.11
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2024-07-19 was paid out. A Transfer for TR75713 of 120.00 CAD was made to Kabweru Kenneth Ivan Treasurer of Hope Orphan Centre-Iganga. To date 2024-07-19 Pay-Outs totaling $20,593.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. Please thank your donors. This Campaign is still open to recieve donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2024-07-19 was paid out on 2024-07-19 . for TR75444. Payments were sent to Julius Gumisiriza Director of WORLD GOSPEL MINISTRIES URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KABALE, UGANDA to wallet to Ali.. To date 2024-07-19 Pay-Outs totaling $25.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. Thank you to the Donors. This Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2024-07-19 was paid out on 2024-07-12 & 2024-07-19 . TR75498, TR75464, 75599, 75280, 75693, 75737. Payments were sent to Julius Gumisiriza Director of WORLD GOSPEL MINISTRIES URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KABALE, UGANDA. To date 2024-07-19 Pay-Outs totaling $1163.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. Thank you to the Donors. This Campaign is still open to receive donations.
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2024-07-17 of $100.00 CAD was paid out on 2024-07-17 by a Pay Out of $100.00 CAD. TR757370. Payments were sent to Julius Gumisiriza Director of WORLD GOSPEL MINISTRIES URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KABALE, UGANDA. To date 2024-07-17 Pay-Outs totaling $200.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. Thank you to the Donors. This Campaign is still open to receive donations
MONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2024-07-12 of $100.00 CAD was paid out on 2024-07-12 by a Pay Out of $100.00 CAD. TR75280. Payments were sent to Julius Gumisiriza Director of WORLD GOSPEL MINISTRIES URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KABALE, UGANDA. To date 2024-07-12 Pay-Outs totaling $100.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. Thank you to the Donors. This Campaign is still open to receive donations
This quote from The Urantia Book is truly inspiring! It reminds us that with faith and alignment to the divine, we can achieve the impossible. A beautiful and uplifting message to carry with us daily!
SFN is promoting revelation teachers to open schools where the young children will actually learn what Jesus was like when he was their age. Andrew has embraced this mission.with Fifth Epochal Revelation Integrated Community Schools
You can donate to this cause here.FER Integrated Community Schools - SCHOOL CAMPAIGN
141:7.8 To insure the recognition of his Father in the unfolding of the plan of the kingdom, Jesus explained that he had purposely ignored the "great men of earth." He began his work with the poor, the very class which had been so neglected by most of the evolutionary religions of preceding times. He despised no man; his plan was world-wide, even universal. He was so bold and emphatic in these announcements that even Peter, James, and John were tempted to think he might possibly be beside himself.
143:1.5 "But who told you that my gospel was intended only for slaves and weaklings? Do you, my chosen apostles, resemble weaklings? Did John look like a weakling? Do you observe that I am enslaved by fear? True, the poor and oppressed of this generation have the gospel preached to them. The religions of this world have neglected the poor, but my Father is no respecter of persons. Besides, the poor of this day are the first to heed the call to repentance and acceptance of sonship. The gospel of the kingdom is to be preached to all men -- Jew and gentile, Greek and Roman, rich and poor, free and bond -- and equally to young and old, male and female.
It was the poor who came first in large numbers providing the fruit bearing religionists who brought Christianity to the world.
The evil one, brpther...you know full well what the Revelation did for you...you wanted to share it! No one wants to become like the servant of the wealthy man who only kept his one "talent" safe...what happened to him?!
In accordance with the truth(the UB!) committed to your hands will the Master of truth require a reckoning. (BELIEVE IT!)
176:3.8 (1918.1)In the next world you will be asked to give an account of the endowments and stewardships of this world. Whether inherent talents are few or many, a just and merciful reckoning must be faced. If endowments are used only in selfish pursuits and no thought is bestowed upon the higher duty of obtaining increased yield of the fruits of the spirit, as they are manifested in the ever-expanding service of men and the worship of God, such selfish stewards must accept the consequences of their deliberate choosing.
The evil one trying to sow seeds of doubt to the half-hearted...