Water harvesting principles & the story of an African rain farmer Design guidelines for regenerative

Water harvesting principles & the story of an African rain farmer Design guidelines for regenerative

“You must plant the rain before you plant a seed or tree!” proclaimed rain farmer Mr. Zephaniah Phiri Maseko of Zimbabwe. By doing just that, he and his family turned a wasteland into an oasis, raised groundwater and well levels even in dry years, reduced flooding in wet years, and enhanced the fertility of the soils. This inspiring story will be shared along with the strategies used, and more importantly, the guiding principles that informed the choice, placement, and implementation of these strategies into a more integrated and productive system. These principles work in any climate experiencing a dry season or drought. And they help us see and act more holistically by asking us questions that direct our attention to important aspects of water and fertility systems we might otherwise overlook. Presenter: Brad Lancaster is a dynamic teacher, consultant, and designer of regenerative systems that sustainably enhance local resources and our global potential. He is the author of the award-winning, best-selling book series Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond.

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Food Forest Certification Program

Food Forest Certification Program

Director Lindianne Sarno - Food forests mimic nature, are outstanding examples of earth stewardship, and arguably the most natural and sustainable food production method available. They are low-maintenance, produce a huge diversity of food and habitat, and help to regenerate and then maintain the land they are grown on. Here is a 15 minute video by Robert Hart describing how to create one: