RFK Jr: Who is God? | Robert F Kennedy Jr and Lex Fridman

RFK Jr: Who is God? | Robert F Kennedy Jr and Lex Fridman


Lex Fridman Podcast full episode:    • Robert F. Kennedy...  

GUEST BIO: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an activist, lawyer, author, and candidate for the President of the Unites States.

  3:5.2 The Father rules through his Sons; on down through the universe organization there is an unbroken chain of rulers ending with the Planetary Princes, who direct the destinies of the evolutionary spheres of the Father's vast domains. It is no mere poetic expression that exclaims: "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." "He removes kings and sets up kings." "The Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men."


  114:0.1 THE Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men through many celestial forces and agencies but chiefly through the ministry of seraphim.


  114:6.8 4. The angels of nation life. These are the "angels of the trumpets," directors of the political performances of Urantia national life. The group now functioning in the overcontrol of international relations is the fourth corps to serve on the planet. It is particularly through the ministry of this seraphic division that "the Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men." 


  134:5.3 Religious teachers must always remember that the spiritual sovereignty of God overrides all intervening and intermediate spiritual loyalties. Someday civil rulers will learn that the Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men.

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Citizens In Motion Politics With Principles

The 10 Stages or Steps in the evolution of a True Form of Representative Government according to epochal revelations can be found here.