Guardasil: Premature Ovarian Failure, Spontaneous Abortion, Depression, Suicide, and Coma

Guardasil: Premature Ovarian Failure, Spontaneous Abortion, Depression, Suicide, and Coma

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Did you know that 90% of women naturally clear HPV from their system within 2 years; and the chance of HPV leading to cervical cancer is less than 10%, and the chance of cervical cancer leading to death is less than 3 in 100,000? 

Does vaxxing your adolescent with Guardasil put them at statically significant higher risk for Suicide and Depression, Infertility, Coma, and Death; is it related to spontaneous abortion?!? Spoiler alert: Yes. Please watch and consider this researchers perspective on Guardasil, the flu and other vaccines... it just might be worth sharing to friends who have adolescent children.  

What follows is an interview conducted by Toni Bark, MD  of "Vaccines Revealed" with Stephanie Seneff, PhD, Senior Researcher at MIT regarding her findings given her reanalysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data set. Dr. Seneff's findings strongly implicate the adjuvants thymerosol and mercury - across a wide range of vaccines - as being related to a host of side effects, including: a- a nationwide dataset comprised of information regarding adverse reactions & events reported by providers, and maintained by the government. 

Is the CDC a defacto pharmaceutical company with an over $4 billion incentive to protect Merck and its other suppliers of vaccines? 

Is there proof of collusion and fraud at the highest levels of the CDC administration, and top-down influence on the scientists who conduct their research?

Register for free for the entire 9-part docu-series "Vaccines Revealed" at their website by the same name.

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Vaccine Awareness

Vaccine Awareness

Coronamania has swept over the land like some mysterious zephyr subtly and noiselessly permeating every nook and cranny of human thought—a concocted highly-imaginative fantasy absorbing both waking and non-waking hours, rendering contemplation, reflection and any other higher order cognitive activity helplessly vapid and bereft of any hoped-for, tension-relieving conclusionary cessation. Like some type of creeping mentally-acidic fluid, the CV phenomenon is slowly eroding every semblance of coherent cognition, leading politicos—governmental, entrepreneurial, and ecclesiastical—to equally outrageous and preposterous courses of action, which, taken individually and in isolation, seemingly border on the most despicable varieties of insidious autocratic and despotic imperatives.