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During the Coronavirus pandemic, it may be prudent for some people in 'at risk categories'  not  to go to Mass for a couple of weeks. 

There is no Mass obligation for those who are ill or in danger of becoming ill. But closing churches and stopping all Masses at a time like this is an outrage. 

So, why are so many 'progressive’ shepherds, who said they were going to make the Church into a “field hospital”, suddenly locking their churches and heading for cover during the flock’s moment of most desperate spiritual need?

What happened to the Church of Accompaniment? Church of Abandonment is more like it.

Here's one diocesan priests who has had enough!  His church is not going to be locked, Mass is not going to be cancelled and communion will be administered on the tongue.

Rather than ordering the faithful to stay away from church, Father organized a special Rosary procession for those wishing to publicly turn to Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother during this moment of crisis. 

Father also reads Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's later letter on this topic…from the pulpit!  

Bottom line, Holy Mother Church must see to her own and continue to provide solace, sanctuary and sacraments during this crisis. 

Check the Remnant’s daily COVID coverage. Visit our website: www.RemnantNewspaper.com


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Voices of the Prophets

Voices of the Prophets

Hi folks, The Voices of the Prophets is a forum whose purpose is to give people a venue to share AUDIO reflections, monologues, conversations, interviews, questions exploring what they have thus far learned and have yet to learn! We all lead such busy lives that it is sometimes hard to find 5 minutes to sit and read a newspaper much less something the size of the Urantia Book! In spite of these challenge, such is our spiritual hunger, we do find the time to satisfy the yearnings of our soul: while driving, doing our chores, or while going for a walk or run. All we need to do is download the talk or lesson that interests us, stick on our headphones or plug into our speaker, and listen away to our hearts content. Where there’s a will there’s a way! It is envisioned that the talks presented herein will be relatively unscripted; spoken from the heart. They might be monologues, conversations, songs of praise, whatever the spirit inspires you to share. It is hoped that the subjects discussed deepen insight, remove obstacles, resolve conflicts, enhance fellowship, and open the way for our spiritual cyber community to prosper. You are invited to provide comment, feedback, and questions to help explore and deepen the conversations.