Iran from a Different Lens | Maryam Ghadiri |

Iran from a Different Lens | Maryam Ghadiri |

Maryam Ghadiri

When only one side of a story is told, the truth can be blurred or completely disjointed. When Maryam arrived in the U.S. she encountered stereotypes and predisposed opinions causing her to hide her own identity as Iranian. She now describes how she rekindled the pride she once had for her motherland, Iran, through curating a photo exhibit that celebrates Iran's rich culture, diversity and beauty. Maryam Ghadiri is originally from Iran and came to Purdue University to pursue her PhD. Her main passion in life is nature, education and art. She tries to combine her passion with her current work at the Center for Global Soundscapes at Purdue University. For her PhD, she designs multi­modal curricula for middle school and the visually impaired youth to teach the ecological concepts of soundscape ecology through different hands on activities and field work. For her, environmental education is not just teaching science, it is mainly about creating amazing learning experiences to motivate young students and make them value nature as well as science. As a visual artist, she always incorporates art in scientific activities and believes that art and science can be interconnected as they inspire both scientists and artists.

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