On Contact: The Future of Global Capitalism with David Harvey
Present-day profit-motivated economics is doomed unless profit motives can be augmented by service motives. Ruthless competition based on narrow-minded...
Apocalipse 14:6-7
6 Vi outro anjo voando pelo meio do céu, tendo um evangelho eterno para pregar aos que se assentam sobre a terra, e a cada nação, e tribo, e língua, e povo,
7 dizendo, em grande voz: Temei a Deus e dai-lhe glória, pois...
EL PADRE UNIVERSAL - La Revelación del Tercer Milenio (El Libro de Urantia)
Todos los textos son extractos de la
Quinta Revelación de Época
"El Libro de Urantia"
El Libro de Urantia es una revelación celestial planeada para los...
Spontaneous Acts of Kindness can change a life path
Spontaneous Acts of Kindness can change a life path. We don't hear uplifting stories very often. What an amazing story. Such a happy ending.
Urantia Music - Paradise
This music was inspired by The Urantia Book, an epochal revelation to our world, Urantia. Words and music by Denver Pearson. Share freely.
Paul Craig Roberts Interview Deep State Plot to Overthrow Trump
Jason Liosatos Outside The Box
Published on Jul 31, 2018
My talk with Paul Craig Roberts former US Treasury assistant secretary and Wall Street Journal...
Qanon - You Are Witnessing The Largest Mass Treason Event In Living History
James Red Pills America
Published on Aug 7, 2018
The people of the world are sick and tired of being...