Nurses: I HEAR you, I LOVE you. And I STAND by you. THIS IS FOR US. It’s time to finally be HEARD!
Hi everyone! My last fb post went viral a few days ago about my...
You Need To Listen To This Leading COVID-19 Expert From South Korea | ASIAN BOSS
Asian Boss
We want to thank Professor Kim Woo-joo from Korea University Guro Hospital for taking his valuable time to inform our subscribers. He just...
Covid 19 Situational Assessment, Risk Landscape & Possible Solutions, Daniel Schmachtenberger
Rebel Wisdom
In this fast changing and overwhelming pandemic crisis, what is really going on, and what should individuals and governments...
Lesson from South Korea on how to slow the COVID-19 spread | ABC News
South Korea saw its first confirmed case the same day as the U.S. and now appears to be flattening their curve after the initial spike.
The Difference Between Respirators and Surgical Masks
The angels of health. These are the seraphic ministers assigned to the assistance of those mortal agencies dedicated to the promotion of health and the prevention of disease.
Guardian News
Guardian News
A Scottish sheep farmer has pleaded with the public to follow the government’s guidance to stay at home in order to prevent putting farmers ‘trying...
Coronamania has swept over the land like some mysterious zephyr subtly and noiselessly permeating every nook and cranny of human thought—a concocted highly-imaginative fantasy absorbing both waking and non-waking hours, rendering contemplation, reflection and any other higher order cognitive activity helplessly vapid and bereft of any hoped-for, tension-relieving conclusionary cessation.