Embark on a mystical journey with the Melchizedek Sons from the Urantia Book!
Discover their divine role in guiding our spiritual evolution and shaping cosmic destiny.
Join us as we unravel their secrets and explore their profound impact on...
what is on the other side of life on your planet?
watch this captivating story that portrays the afterlife experience of Segun,an Indigenous African male.
this story portrays the afterlife experience from the Urantia book perspective.
Welcome to our YouTube channel, your gateway to exploring the profound teachings and cosmic insights of the Urantia Book! We invite you to embark on a spiritual journey that delves into the depths of the universe, the history of our planet, and the...
Dive into the profound connection between Melchizedek and Christ as revealed in Paper 93 of The Urantia Book. Explore how Melchizedek's teachings and groundwork paved the way for Christ's ultimate revelation of God's love and truth. Learn about...
The Urantia Book, Paper 52, Part 4, 8-6-2024