Results for "Samaritan Foundation Orphanage Children"

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    • Matte Jockas

      Fundraising With WDF Wilmat Development Foundation

      Fundraising With WDF Wilmat Development Foundation WD...Here at Wilmat Development Foundation, we are doing what we can the vulnerable women and children in our care through this crisis...our most vulnerable women and children, helping them access food, me...

      • i Witness NEWS


        THE EXTRME DANGERS OF MASKING   Dentists: ‘Mask Mouth&rsqu...  Face Masks What you need to know to protect yourself and your Children►   COVID-19: Conti...

        • MANKIND GOVERNMENT One World Family

          An elite-led ‘Great Reset’ post-Covid? No, what we need first is to get rid of the globalist approach that got us into this mess

          An elite-led ‘Great Reset’ post-Covid? No, what we need first is to get is that of the hectoring schoolmaster who knows what’s best for the children, and tolerates no dissent. Th...

          • Levin Foundation Mityana Uganda

            My Time Project

            WHAT is the “my time Project”? MY TIME PROJECT is a project which is going to aim...d when she soiled her uniform, taunting her that she had slaughtered a hen. Levin Foundati...

            • i Witness NEWS

              Frances Perkins Everywhere the world is full of Heroism

              People you may not know about, but probably should hsJoutlySs 24,gc pS...ction for factories, and legislation to limit the working hours for women and children in factories to 54 hours per...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Real News Broadcasting 606 INDEX

                Real News Broadcasting 606 INDEX FEATURED VIDEOS - PUBLIC DIS...Ultra Trauma-based Mind Control on Children...rts-explaining-why-theyre-targeting-children/?fbclid=IwAR1NE5CMejJz_rIxMM2...quo;s conflict: A $40 million Gates Foundation grant vs a half million hum...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Debriefing with Me Swinwood, Canadian lawyer: Crime Against Humanity and Genocide -Continued Page 2

                  Debriefing with Me Swinwood, Canadian lawyer: crime against humanity a...v. Forced transfer of children from the group to another group...VI;).  48 The Gates Foundation gave GAVl approximately $ low-risk people like schoolchildren may increase the number of ne...

                  • i Witness NEWS

                    Trump vs The Ghost of Marx

                    Trump vs The Ghost of Marx 05/01/2021 My fellow Sapiens! Journal &...and dispatchments underway, which will shake the foundatio...y family. Above all I will not let them molest my children’s health our that of th...

                    • Deadrick Baker ∴ The Legacy

                      The Legacy ∴ Foundation For Human Progress

                      The Legacy ∴ is an Organization Dedicated to the Progress of The Human Family. Society...sness ❤ Deadrick Baker II Humble Servant Founder The Legacy ∴ Foundati...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Player Video's & News - Vaccine Awareness Index Page 1

                        Player Video's & News - Vaccine Awareness ...YOUR SOUL"] [player url=" REASON WHY They are Targeting your Children with the Injection. ...