Results for "O PAI Universal - The Universal Father"

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    • Godwin Nasser

      Also! Trying sincerely praying for what the Father would have you do! Then go about moving through your day as your angels need you to move in order to give you new ideas to do!We still need...

      • Taremwa Darius

        I need help to raise my school fees because I just lost my father and mother in an accident recently but I have no any support Any support is really appreciated

        • Godwin Nasser

          God Almighty, everlasting Father! As I am studying the Urantia Book, please, let me receive ideas, wisdom, knowledge and understanding that will make me to prosper in my career; in...

          • Godwin Nasser

            God Almighty, everlasting Father! As I am studying the Urantia Book, please, let me receive ideas, wisdom, knowledge and understanding that will make me to prosper in my career; in...

            • Ahulire Narasis

              I Thank the father for his love and blessings for having revealed to me this book of great knowledge that I have never seen before , thanks goes to Bishop Moses brother paul and sister Monica may the heavenly father and the son Micheal bless you Hallelujah Amen

              • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

                Learn about God and Wisdom with these two guiding lines from different papers of the urantia book. In the affairs of men's hearts the Universal Father may not always have his way; but in...

                • Emilly Jackrine Tusaba

                  Who is ready to be the international father of Joyanah Loy Nankoma . She lost her father last year so she is missing the father's love. You can take this blessing by sponsoring her until she finishes her education.

                  • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

                    Jesus Teaches of Faith Jesus made plain to his apostles the difference between the repe...dom. He taught his apostles that faith was the only requisite to entering the Father's kingdom. John had taught th...

                    • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

                      Jesus Teaches of Faith Jesus made plain to his apostles the difference between the repe...dom. He taught his apostles that faith was the only requisite to entering the Father's kingdom. John had taught th...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        The Father