Results for "The Early Years of Jesus"


    • Faith Anthony

      Comment on "Wall posts"

      once upon a time there was a hunter he used to creat traps for hunting in order to ge...t to go i just want to tell you that stay in one position stay in the gospel of Jesus Christ

      • i Witness NEWS

        Comment on "Open Letter to President Trump from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò"

        OPEN LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DONALD J. TRUMP Sunday, Oct...been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early...who chose him from its ranks. Mr. President, you have clearly...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Comment on "Campaign for Godwin's family expenses for food"

          Hi brother, the school year has started in January and they are in need of assistance for both school fees a food a...t in Africa but as the yeas pass they are gradually lifting the nation up. This years...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Comment on "Wall posts"

            So you see son, even when we are re...n knowledge than God himself. Jesus did not want his own family c...the same infinite affection. Jesus is no more special to God older children millions of years beyond our experience can be...engers of the kingdom of God. Jesus acting in perfect accordance...

            • Gracious International Ministry G.I.M

              Comment on "Gracious International Ministry G.I.M Farming Uganda"

              In the name of Jesus Christ,we will win the devil.

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Comment on "item:object:campaign_donation"

                Godwin, you are on your way son. You are following in the footsteps of what Jesus did as the eldest son in his family after the death of Joseph. Providing for a large family.

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Comment on "Wall posts"

                  So true brother even today. The Pa...nbsp; 151:1.1 About this time Jesus first began to employ the par...tly gathered about him. Since Jesus had talked with the apostles...were assembled on shore near Jesus' boat and were clamoring...Peter had spoken a few words, Jesus said:   151:1.2 "...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Comment on "Wall posts"

                    Jackrine you are missing GHCM 03 GHCM 08 GHCM 10 GHCM 14 GHCM 19 GHCM 20 GHCM 28 and GHCM 29 I put the ones you po...our Social Network Website Group. They will remain visible to visitors for years...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Comment on "Wall posts"

                      CLICK THE PICTURE TO GO DIRECTLY TO THE PAPER AND PARAGRAPH True Victory &q...his is the victory that overcomes all uncertainty, even your faith." ~Jesus~ 142:5.3...

                      • RICHARD KATONO


                        In God's kingdom! everything are there, agood life, blessings,grace,peace, wisdom but to benefit from Him you only need to be His friend through obeying rules and regulations for teachings of Jesus Christ in the book law for Urantia book, so let us keep reading it in all our time.