Results for "Dr. James Lyons-Weiler"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator


      140:8.17 Jesus frequently warned his listeners against covetousness, declaring that "a man's happiness c...therefrom his doctrine of Christ as "the second Adam." 140:8.25 James graspe...

      • i Witness NEWS

        Comment on "America’s War against the People of Korea: The Historical Record of US War Crimes"

        America’s War against the People of Korea: The Historical Reco...rrent USFK commander is General James D. Thurman (See CFC phot...mbined Forces Command commander Gen. James D. Thurman (second from left,...ush (Senior), his Secretary of State James A. Bak...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Comment on "Trump Takes Control of the FED - Leads the way for other countries to follow - Michael Tellinger"

          TO THOSE WHO HEAR THE FATHER'S VOICE THIS PROMISE WAS MADE "Upon this rock of spiritual reality will man that he was the Son of God."   1 Corinthians 2:14-16 King James Versio...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Comment on "Wall posts"

            So you see son, even when we are responding to the will of God, human minds lacking in wisdom experience cause gr...l notice that during his resurrection appearances he did seek the services of James and Ju...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Comment on "Wall posts"

              Thank you Moses for your witness and reflections. We have in Uganda those who have entered the work to bring fort...whose children offered great comfort and support for his work here on earth. James and Jo...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Comment on "Wall posts"

                  141:7.8 To insure the recognition of his Father in the unfolding of the plan of the kingdom, Jesus expla...niversal. He was so bold and emphatic in these announcements that even Peter, James, and J...