Results for "Project Campaign"


    • Caleb Ari

      Arinanye Caleb Mushroom Project

      Arinanye Caleb Mushroom Project This campaign for me is to find some support to make my mushroom business at our home in Uganda. All I need is land, Autoclave machine, mushrooms labo...

      • Abigaba Rachael

        RECHAEL ABIGABA Travel & Studies Campaign

        RECHAEL ABIGABA  Travel & Studies Campaign Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ to everyone here doing committed work to and helping the less privileged....

        • Magara Benjamin

          Christ Michael (Jesus) Center Kampala Campaign

          Christ Michael (Jesus) Center Kampala Campaign I am Niwamanya Benjamin Director of the Christ Michael Center in Kampala Uganda. We are raising funds for a Google Meet 1yr S...

          • Twongirwe Ali (AliMax)

            Twongirwe Ali - Yesiga Ambroze - ilva Mbeeta Clean Water Village Campaign

            ...girwe Ali - Nyesiga Ambroze - Silva Mbeeta Clean Water Village Campaign  The name of...d , support and effort to ensure the success of this bole hole project, we believe that this project can significantly contribute t...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Million Member Discipleship Support Campaign

              ...ntia. This Group Explains the project we are undertaking. I AM...helping by sharing this Campaign See map of Revelation Le...act by giving or sharing this Campaign. There are share&nb...have a monthly budget for the projects.    ...

              • Kizza Lawrence

                Nourishing Futures: Feeding Hungry Orphaned Children

                Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage's Campaigns Many of these children come from backgrounds of...ede their ability to reach their full potential. By supporting this project, you are helping to break the...

                • Emmanuel

                  Arnold Mugume Emmanuel Education Campaign

                  Arnold Mugume Emmanuel Education Campaign Praise God, I hope this message finds...indness and willingness to help me through a campaign on SFN for Education. I'm...l and make inquiries about the need for this Campaign...

                  • Jameson Niwamanya

                    Education and Assistance Campaign Jameson Niwamanya

                    Hello friends,  My name is Jameson Niwamanya from Uganda. I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to share with you the curre...

                    • Tales of Urantia

                      Tales Of Urantia 2025 Annual Fundraiser

                      Support Our Channel's Growth: Fundraising Campaign for 2025 Dear Friends and Supporters, 2025, we are embarking on a fundraising campaign. Your contributions will consider donating to our fundraising campaign. Every contribution, no matte...

                      • Byamukama Nyakojo

                        Help Byamukama complete his Building and Construction course by supporting his internship and study expenses.

                        Dear brothers and sisters, I hope this message finds yo...N to ask for your help in setting up a fundraising campaign to support my education. Your...;s a brief summary of my story and the fundraising campaign: Campaign Goal: $600 Camp...