Results for "Profile Images Ngambeki Barnabas"


  • Siloam Altar Revival Ministries International
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    • 19 members

    Siloam Altar Revival Ministries International

    Bishop Moses Kaharwa - Pastor Caroline - SILOAM ALTAR REVIVAL MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL - Our Ministry has presently seven hundred Churches who are working with us to establish Divinity Unity as a single body and family of Christ internationally.
  • Jinja Church Children Home
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    • 3 members

    Jinja Church Children Home

    Ssengendo Yasin Siginalaminat - Jinja Church Children Home
  • O PAI Universal - The Universal Father
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    • 2 members

    O PAI Universal - The Universal Father

    Carlos Leite da Silva - O PAI Universal - The Universal Father
  • New Revelations & Inspired Writers
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    • 7 members

    New Revelations & Inspired Writers

    New Revelations & Inspired Writers - Wisdom Experience.
  • Born Again Ministry Church of God
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    • 4 members

    Born Again Ministry Church of God

    Pastor Mark Orige - Born Again Ministry Church of God
  • Urantia Africa
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    • 151 members

    Urantia Africa

    Urantia Renaissance Africa - Our Mission To bring a new and higher revelation of truth to the Continent of Africa One of the most important things in human living is to find out what Jesus believed, to discover his ideals, and to strive for the achievement of his exalted life purpose. Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it. Come and join us as we bring the new teachings to Africa fulfilling this prophecy. A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism. Our World is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment. This journey will bring the flame of freedom to our hearts and the light of knowledge in our eyes. Godspeed.
  • Ambassadors of the Father - Apostles of Christ serving today's generation
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    • 23 members

    Ambassadors of the Father - Apostles of Christ serving today's generation

    In every generation of man his human teachers of truth appear on the earth and bring new and higher teachings about the gift of the Father (eternal life) and (the ministry of salvation) the gift of the Creator Son known on this world as Jesus Christ to every individual who receives these divine gifts. This group is to promote the works of these human teachers of truth who are now active in the world and ministering to today's generation. As well as to promote the new 5th epochal revelations recently received from Divine Sons of God on earth and disseminate these new teachings to all nations and to all peoples. Our Father (GOD) did indeed speak through Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Amos, and Hosea, but he did not cease to minister words of truth to the world when these prophets of old made an end of their utterances. Our Heavenly Father is no respecter of races or generations in that the word of truth is vouchsafed one age and withheld from another. Commit not the folly of calling that divine which is wholly human, and fail not to discern the words of truth which come not through the traditional oracles of supposed inspiration.
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    • 6 members


    Tonny Mutekyereze - This is a registered community Based Organisation (CBO) helping ORPHANS AND WIDOWS and their families. They are teaching people how to get ahead in life. They are raising up future leaders and transforming a community.
  • URANTIA DIEHARDS - Raising Young Children in God's Image through the Urantia Revelations BENJAMIN & GODWIN
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    • 12 members

    URANTIA DIEHARDS - Raising Young Children in God's Image through the Urantia Revelations BENJAMIN &...

    Urantia Dihards Magara Benjamin Leader & Godwin Nasser Vice RAISING THE YOUNG CHILDREN IN GOD'S IMAGE THROUGH THE URANTIA REVELATIONS - MISSION; To restore the lost hope for the youth in Uganda. VISION; Improving the youth character, livelihood as well as their economic standards of living.
  • Victorious Children's Ministries Uganda
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    • 3 members

    Victorious Children's Ministries Uganda

    Robert Kirabira Director - Victorious Children’s Ministries (VCM) is a Christian Community Based Organization in Uganda. Located in the Kawanda Kaayi Zone, Wakiso District. Our mission is to provide orphaned and vulnerable children with a safe, loving, caring home and all children with an education.