January 2018 Outreach to a Village 65 Kilometers

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January 2018 Outreach to a Village 65 Kilometers

Bridge of Life Ministries 


Shalom to you all our great friends.There was a generation of Noah, Moses and Elijah. All were great men before God and they did what they were expected to do and really they pleased God's heart. BRIDGE OF LIFE MINISTRIES started reaching out to the poor, orphaned children, widows and old people and set out to change the lives they lived and to bridge a better future for them.

Here is the widow with her five orphaned children in a village called Bugonoka in Luuka district near Jinja. It is really sad here in this family. The father of these kids died some six years back and since the father died it was the end to go to school and to have a good living condition.

Bridge Of Life Ministries

Bridge Of Life Ministries

Lyagoba Roman ○ Welcome to Bridge of Life Ministries. There are over one million orphan children in Uganda because of the AID's epidemic. Please consider becoming involved in the NGO/CBS (Non Government Organization / Community Based Services) that are attempting to care for these children.
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