Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Peace

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Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Peace

Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Peace

100:4.3 But the great problem of religious living consists in the task of unifying the 
soul powers of the personality by the dominance of LOVE. Health, mental 
efficiency, and happiness arise from the unification of physical systems, mind 
systems, and spirit systems. Of health and sanity man understands much, but of 
happiness he has truly realized very little. The highest happiness is indissolubly linked with 
spiritual progress. Spiritual growth yields lasting joy, peace which passes all understanding.


A much more clearer day to start.
Still the clouds do not depart.
A warmer day – predicted 50’s.
Clouds retain the warmth, so nifty.

To always wake up to God’s plan
Is an attitude in demand.
Open your eyes to morning light
And see His Hands with pure delight.

He’s determined what you see
And He promotes a mystery.
One must think to understand.
Then Faith takes charge, it makes a stand.

Faith provides all that life lacks.
It helps you build your soul's impact.
You become as you do act.
God knows you best, and that’s a fact!

In life, you should do what you love.
A natural skill will then evolve.
You will get better every day.
Life becomes a joy that way.

For all of us to love each other
To know each other as our brother
Is truly easier than you think.
This world is quivering on the brink.

Thank You, Father, we exist
Because Your Will is what exists.
I give thanks, You help us choose
In a life that wins, we learn to lose.

Paul Anderson

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.