Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Learning The Spirit

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Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Learning The Spirit

Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Learning The Spirit

65:7.6 The acquisition of the potential of the ability to learn from experience marks the beginning of the functioning of the adjutant spirits, and they function from the lowliest minds of primitive and invisible existences up to the highest types in the evolutionary scale of human beings. They are the source and pattern for the otherwise more or less mysterious behavior and incompletely understood quick reactions of mind to the material environment. Long must these faithful and always dependable influences carry forward their preliminary ministry before the animal mind attains the human levels of spirit receptivity.

Learning The Spirit

A sunny day but in the 50s.
The weather is really pretty nifty.
The cooler temps do stimulate.
There’re things to do we contemplate.

Planning helps with things we do.
An action plan helps us pull through.
Planning helps the coming day.
It truly helps to plan your play.

Practice also helps us be.
It helps us see reality.
To practice what you want to do,
Helps perfect what is your truth.

Decide how you can help your God.
Cooperate and you’ll evolve.
God within will show the way.
Keep the faith when things seem gray.

Never lose your faith in God.
He’s with you on the paths you trod.
God will help when all seems lost.
Discover how their hearts defrost.

As we evolve, we will become
More like the God, we learn to strum
And play His music as we live.
The loving notes are His to give.

Thank You, Father, for Your notes.
I’ll spend some time, yes I’ll devote
Time and energy to Your cause.
I wish to learn Your Spirit laws.

Paul Anderson

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.