Revelation Poetry in Motion | Poems by Paul Anderson | World Change

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Revelation Poetry in Motion | Poems by Paul Anderson | World Change

Revelation Poetry in Motion | Poems by Paul Anderson | World Change


61:7.11 100,000 years ago, during the retreat of the last glacier, the vast polar ice sheets began to form, and the center of ice accumulation moved considerably northward. And as long as the polar regions continue to be covered with ice, it is hardly possible for another glacial age to occur, regardless of future land elevations or modification of ocean currents.

World Change
The warmest year we’ve ever had.
With less winter, it’s not bad.
Stronger storms, I guess there’ll be.
A warming trend is what we see.

Naysayers helped us all deny
When there were ways that we could try.
When all the ice melts on this earth
We’ll see how much we are immersed.

If all the ice melts at the poles
Another ice age may unfold.
The world will balance what’s been done.
If ice comes back, will that be fun?

The future is not known by me
And yet it comes relentlessly.
Every day that I wake up
Another chance, my Faith erupts.

Gods in charge, thank God for that.
He’ll help us all face all the facts.
If you think you know it all
Prepare to change, please hear God’s call.

Constant change we all must face.
Resilient, yes, this human race.
Altogether we can win.
We will combine, it’s in the wind.

Thank You, Father, future times
Will come as You have Truth designed.
I pray all souls look deep inside
And find Your Love, it won’t divide!
Paul Anderson

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.