Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | The Plan

    Tumwijukye simon
    By Tumwijukye simon
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    Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | The Plan
    Tumwijukye simon
    Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | The Plan
    Tumwijukye simon 3 hours ago

    36:2.5 Planetary life, therefore, while similar in some respects, differs in many ways on each evolutionary world. Even in a uniform life series in a single family of worlds, life is not exactly the same on any two planets; there is always a planetary type, for the Life Carriers work constantly in an effort to improve the vital formulas committed to their keeping.

    The Plan
    Today we start to wend our way
    Towards the best we can display.
    We want the best for everyone.
    Your best is what we want be done.

    To do your best, you must be here.
    In the now’s where we appear.
    Do the next best thing you know.
    Good results will always flow.

    “Sincerely doing” is your best.
    Sincerity gives truth it’s test.
    When you’re sincere in what you do
    The Loving Spirit comes to you.

    Love has always got a focus.
    We all serve as a focus – locus.
    If we do the Will of God,
    Improvement comes, this world evolves.

    Every single one on earth
    Plays a part, and writes a verse.
    If every soul would look for good
    Peace evolves, togetherhood.

    The Brother/Sisterhood of Man
    Must evolve before we stand.
    But our direction’s well-established.
    We just need a bit more practice.

    Thank You, Father, someday we
    Will unite in victory.
    One world united with One Father
    You are our gift, You are our author.

    Poetry in Motion

    Poetry in Motion

    Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.