Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | Spirit Flow

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Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | Spirit Flow

Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | Spirit Flow

Tumwijukye simon
Tumwijukye simon 3 days ago

51:5.5&6 The violet race is a monogamous people, and every evolutionary man or woman uniting with the Adamic sons and daughters pledges not to take other mates and to instruct his or her children in single-matedness. The children of each of these unions are educated and trained in the schools of the Planetary Prince and then are permitted to go forth to the race of their evolutionary parent, there to marry among the selected groups of superior mortals.
When this strain of the Material Sons is added to the evolving races of the worlds, a new and greater era of evolutionary progress is initiated. Following this procreative outpouring of imported ability and superevolutionary traits there ensues a succession of rapid strides in civilization and racial development; in one hundred thousand years more progress is made than in a million years of former struggle. On your world, even in the face of the miscarriage of the ordained plans, great progress has been made since the gift to your peoples of Adam’s life plasm.

Spirit Flow
Today the weather’s like a picture.
I wish this weather were a fixture.
If every day could be like this,
The weather patterns would be bliss.

I hope today to celebrate,
And make this day another great
Day and time to live on earth.
A day that’s truly filled with mirth.

Sundays are a time for peace.
A Spirit focus helps us see
The fact that we can all improve
In the ways we think and move.

Practice is perfection’s path.
It’s a rhythm that can last.
A rhythm that we all create
As we live towards what is fate.

We have a chance with what we do
To flow in rhythm towards what’s true.
It rings within – perhaps that’s You
Helping us discern the truth.

In any case, we tend to know
When we’re within the Spirit flow.
And yes, there’s something that’s within.
It seems to grow as flow begins.

Thank You, Father, as we live
We all find ways in which to give,
And as we practice life on earth,
I pray we all have a rebirth.

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.