Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | GIVE

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Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | GIVE

Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | GIVE

93:5.13 When Melchizedek heard of Abraham’s declaration of war, he went forth to dissuade him but only caught up with his former disciple as he returned victorious from the battle. Abraham insisted that the God of Salem had given him victory over his enemies and persisted in giving a tenth of his spoils to the Salem treasury. The other ninety per cent he removed to his capital at Hebron.

A cooler day yes, it’s still Spring.
Though it won’t freeze a chill it brings.
It will warm up, that is forecast.
Summer’s heat I know will last.

The peak of summer lies ahead.
Protect my scanner, it turns red.
As weather changes in our lives,
Protect yourself, so you can thrive.

Be prepared, there’s constant change.
Throughout our lives, there’s times of pain.
We learn our wisdom through experience.
Increasing skill gives us significance.

Exercise some time in life
To help another through their strife.
Help them suffer through their pain.
Helping others helps us gain.

You gain in all the things you give.
We’re not born knowing how to live.
It’s a skill we learn by living.
It takes us time to be more giving.

I see improvement in some ways,
But in some areas there’s delay.
We live and breath upon the crest
Of the now of time, like that I guess.

Think about them now, it’s true
That as you think it’s part of you.
It then depends on what you do.
The now can help lead us to truth.

Thank You,Father, for this time.
As we live and breathe this grind,
I know the love that’s in my heart
Is a gift from You, You used to start!

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.