Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | Mans Way

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Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | Mans Way

Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | Mans Way


Tumwijukye simon 2 hours ago

158:7.5 After they had recovered from the first shock of Jesus’ stinging rebuke, and before they resumed their journey, the Master spoke further: “If any man would come after me, let him disregard himself, take up his responsibilities daily, and follow me. For whosoever would save his life selfishly, shall lose it, but whosoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s, shall save it. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? What would a man give in exchange for eternal life? Be not ashamed of me and my words in this sinful and hypocritical generation, even as I will not be ashamed to acknowledge you when in glory I appear before my Father in the presence of all the celestial hosts. Nevertheless, many of you now standing before me shall not taste death till you see this kingdom of God come with power.”

Man’s Way
Another Winter day’s in store.
It’s Friday night, we won’t be bored.
A day to celebrate our week.
The Super Bowl’s a bonus treat.

Athletics do take up our time.
There is less war than in past times.
But war is now much, much more lethal.
Our skill at war knows not, it’s equal.

We should nourish life on earth.
Different ways we must put first.
I guess we’re trying to progress.
With skillful minds, we’ve all been blessed!

To do the right thing, though it means
To sacrifice, and make you lean,
Is a virtue that’s desired.
It shows that you have been inspired!

Inspiration is within.
When you’re inspired, you more than win.
No matter what the outcome be,
The Will of God makes history!

The Will of God will give you joy.
You gather fruits as love’s deployed.
Love improves all that it touches—
Helps us slow down, we’re not compulsive.

Thank You, Father, with love You lead.
Within our souls, You plant Your seeds.
As they grow our souls expand.
We will improve the ways of man

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.