A Flowering World by Simon Tumwijukye - Revelation Poetry In Motion

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A Flowering World by Simon Tumwijukye - Revelation Poetry In Motion

A Flowering World by Simon Tumwijukye - Revelation Poetry In Motion

52.0.1 FROM the inception of life on an evolutionary planet to the time of its final flowering in the era of light and life, there appear upon the stage of world action at least seven epochs of human life. These successive ages are determined by the planetary missions of the divine Sons, and on an average inhabited world these epochs appear in the following order:
1. Pre-Planetary Prince Man.
2. Post-Planetary Prince Man.
3. Post-Adamic Man.
4. Post-Magisterial Son Man.
5. Post-Bestowal Son Man.
6. Post-Teacher Son Man.
7. The Era of Light and Life.

A Flowering World
Welcome to a brand new day.
A time for work but also play.
Work can be a joy for you.
Take some pride in what you do.

Try to do a better job.
Do not become a lazy slob!
Demonstrate your inner strength.
Serve us all to become great!

Be positive in what you do.
The power of love comes back to you.
The love that comes from deep inside.
Reflects on what you do decide!

Dream about what could be best.
Dreams, reflect you, nothing less.
By your decisions— inner growth.
Decide to become better folks!

If all of us could just agree,
Wars would stop – this world is free.
But because we strive for power,
The lives we live are often sour!

There’s a saying “power corrupts”.
That depends on our conduct.
Power intoxicates the user.
They can become a power abuser!

Once power in your soul takes hold,
The power of God, then sometimes folds.
Intoxicated with own self-worth
Your goals have changed, you must be first!

Thank You Father, I know You’ll help.
The power of love is something felt!
Love will rule, all hearts with power.
And then this world is going to flower!

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.