6. Patricia Namukose.

    Marissa Bodden
    By Marissa Bodden
    • 9 of 14
    6. Patricia Namukose.

    She is 49 years old. Her husband died 5 years ago from asthma. They have 6 children; 3 of them are grown and 3 are in school. She does farming for income. She used to own a business sewing clothes but it closed down because she didn't have enough money to keep it going. Now she grows maize, ground nuts and beans. Her current needs are school fees for her 3 younger children and she asks for help getting her 3 older children to come to a first world country for work because they are educated. She is a Christian and has a large poster of Jesus in her house on her living room wall.

    Lord's Mercy Foundation

    Lord's Mercy Foundation

    Wantanda Ronald Lord's Mercy Foundation - There are over one million orphan children in Uganda because of the AID's epidemic. Please consider becoming involved in the NGO/CBS (Non Government Organization / Community Based Services) that are attempting to care for these children.