• Slideshow

Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day


When the world is asleep, most women are always up taking care of their beloved children, the question to most of our ears and on our lips is, How can we help to support women worldwide?!

To make a difference is something that a few people may opt to do but to us, we plan to do and achieve through Christ we are alive again.

We are so greatful to be here on this platform Thanks Paul




Matte Jockas -WILMAT DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION is a Non-Profit Organization that was founded in 2014 with the main goal of providing practical education to the underprivileged community people in Uganda. Early 2019, we took on the partnership with Changing Lives-Switzerland as education is the way out of poverty and further improve their living conditions through sustainable development programs by integrating them in the society and helping them to find the best solutions to the entrenched problems affecting them in their respective communities. Our experience is based on the reality that every human being is a unique individual and that we all have a right to good health and basic needs of life and access means to a comfortable life in one way or another.