Beth's groups

  • Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation
    • open group
    • 43 members

    Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation

    The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh.
  • The Butiiki Children's Ministry ● Jinja, Uganda, Africa
    • open group
    • 5 members

    The Butiiki Children's Ministry ● Jinja, Uganda, Africa

    Robert Walugosi ○ The Children of Butiiki Children's Ministry are seeking your help in acquiring the necessities of life. Please take the time to reflect upon our mission here in Uganda.
  • The Garden Project
    • open group
    • 5 members

    The Garden Project

    Here it is! An opportunity to develop a Urantia based spiritual center, a retreat center, an environmentally sustainable garden community, and a facility for preparing spiritual leaders and teachers.
  • The Planetary Reserve Corps of Destiny
    • open group
    • 48 members

    The Planetary Reserve Corps of Destiny

    The reserve corps of destiny consists of living men and women who have been admitted to the special service of the superhuman administration of world affairs. This corps is made up of the men and women of each generation who are chosen by the spirit directors of the realm to assist in the conduct of the ministry of mercy and wisdom to the children of time on the evolutionary worlds. It is the general practice in the conduct of the affairs of the ascension plans to begin this liaison utilization of mortal will creatures immediately they are competent and trustworthy to assume such responsibilities. ● The gap between the material and spiritual worlds is perfectly bridged by the serial association of mortal man, secondary midwayer, primary midwayer, morontia cherubim, mid-phase cherubim, and seraphim. In the personal experience of an individual mortal these diverse levels are undoubtedly more or less unified and made personally meaningful by the unobserved and mysterious operations of the divine Thought Adjuster.
  • Youth Group
    • open group
    • 4 members

    Youth Group

    Religion does need new leaders, spiritual men and women who will dare to depend solely on Jesus and his incomparable teachings. If Christianity persists in neglecting its spiritual mission while it continues to busy itself with social and material problems, the spiritual renaissance must await the coming of these new teachers of Jesus’ religion who will be exclusively devoted to the spiritual regeneration of men. And then will these spirit-born souls quickly supply the leadership and inspiration requisite for the social, moral, economic, and political reorganization of the world...Idealists and spiritists dare to use their oars with intelligence and vigor in order to modify the apparently purely material course of the energy streams.