Our Father, let us not stray into the evil bypaths of our imagination,
For yours is the glorious indwelling, the everlasting power,
And to us, the eternal gift of the infinite love of your Son.
Even so, and everlastingly true. 144:5.2
The persistent preaching of this gospel will someday bring a new and incredible liberation, intellectual freedom and religious freedom to all nations. Jesus, 178:1.9
The Good News
"Peace be upon you. You all know that we have one Father in heaven, and that there is but one gospel of the kingdom—the good news of the gift of eternal life which men receive by faith." Jesus, 191:4.3
Standing Before God
"Though human beings differ in many ways, the one from another, before God and in the spiritual world all mortals stand on an equal footing." Jesus, 133:0.3
Believing In God
"He who believes this gospel, believes not merely in me but in Him who sent me." Jesus, 174:5.7
Perfection Through Service
"In my Father's kingdom there shall be neither Jew nor gentile, only those who seek perfection through service, for I declare that he who would be great in my Father's kingdom must first become server of all." Jesus, 137:8.11
Dwelling In God
Truly of the human race has it been said, "You are of God" because "he who dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him." 3:1.5
Human personality is the time-space image-shadow cast by the divine Creator personality. And no actuality can ever be adequately comprehended by an examination of its shadow. Shadows should be interpreted in terms of the true substance. 1:6.1
No Limitation On God
There is no limitation of the forces and personalities which the Father may use to uphold his purpose and sustain his creatures. 4:1.4
Jesus (age 30) Desert Caravan Leader
Could you have had but one look at him, you would have known that Jesus was a real man of great experience in the things of this world. ... What he aimed at in his life appears to have been a superb self-respect. 140:8.20
Failure And Wisdom
Failure is simply an educational episode — a cultural experiment in the acquirement of wisdom..., 160:4.9
Yielding To Spirit
If you yield to the leadings of the spiritual forces in you and around you, you cannot fail to attain the high destiny established by a loving God..., 5:1.12
The Least Of My Brethren
"And remember that, inasmuch as you minister to one of the least of my brethren, you have done this service to me. " Jesus, 176:3.5
Growth And Conflict
Religious perplexities are inevitable; there can be no growth without psychic conflict and spiritual agitation. 100:4.2
Prayer And Worship
Prayer is spiritually sustaining, but worship is divinely creative. 143:7.5
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