Uganda Constitution - Creating Politics With Principles
If Christianity persists in neglecting its spiritual mission while it continues to busy itself with social and material problems, the spiritual renaissance must await the coming of these new teachers of Jesus' religion who will be exclusively devoted to the spiritual regeneration of men. And then will these spirit-born souls quickly supply the leadership and inspiration requisite for the social, moral, economic, and political reorganization of the world.
134:6.1 If one man craves freedom -- liberty -- he must remember that all other men long for the same freedom. Groups of such liberty-loving mortals cannot live together in peace without becoming subservient to such laws, rules, and regulations as will grant each person the same degree of freedom while at the same time safeguarding an equal degree of freedom for all of his fellow mortals. If one man is to be absolutely free, then another must become an absolute slave. And the relative nature of freedom is true socially, economically, and politically. Freedom is the gift of civilization made possible by the enforcement of LAW.
Hello my brothers and sisters thanks for liking to know your rights and promoting them for your community. This group is not for personal benefits rather for the wellbeing of our communities and our country at large. It will be based on the Uganda Constitution so I have uploaded the Uganda Constitution book it can be downloaded as a pdf file which will aid you to go ahead with us in this group. Blessings to everyone