Kiburara Young Stars Urantia Fellowship Study Group Theme Song "Urantia Book is my Witness for Everything I Do"

Kiburara Young Stars Urantia Fellowship Study Group

Theme Song "Everything I Do"

Kiburara Young Stars Urantia Fellowship Study Group Theme Song "Urantia Book is my Witness for Everything I Do"P



Kiburara Young Stars Urantia Fellowship Study Group Theme Song "Everything I Do"

Urantia book is my witness... my witness
for everything I do,
my witness ... my witness
for everything I do,

Urantia book spread the message, 
love your neighbor as you love your soul.
And treat your friend as you treat your self, 
because the Father is the only one that treats us all.
and Jesus alone came to bring meaning and puporse to Life through Urantia book.

Urantia book is my witness... my witness
for everything I do,
my witness ... my witness
for everything I teach,

This world is so crazy!! 
people judge me, judge my life. 
I wanna prove them with the urantia book because, 

Urantia book is my witness... my witness
for everything I do,
my witness ... my witness
for everything I teach,

You gonna change your history, 
your life ... and destination.

Urantia book is my witness... my witness
for everything I do,
my witness my witness
for everything I teach,

Urantia book is my witness... my witness
for everything I do,
my witness ... my witness
for everything I teach,

Study Group Leader Leader Margaret Twinomugisha

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Kiburara Young Stars Urantia Fellowship Study Group

Kiburara Young Stars Urantia Fellowship Study Group

Leader Margaret Twinomugisha | Jesus understood the minds of men. He knew what was in the heart of man, and had his teachings been left as he presented them, the only commentary being the inspired interpretation afforded by his earth life, all nations and all religions of the world would speedily have embraced the gospel of the kingdom. Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it.