Discussion of Melchizedek is found in: Paper 93. Machiventa Melchizedek,

    By hans

    Discussion of Melchizedek

    is found in: Paper 93. Machiventa Melchizedek,

    Discussion of Melchizedek is found in:
    Paper 93. Machiventa Melchizedek,

    Genesis 14:17-24 Abram blessed by Melchizdek,
    Psalm 110:4 Sit by my Right Hand,
    Hebrews 7 The Priestly Order of Melchizedek, and Jesus
    Hebrews 8 Jesus, High Priest of a Better Covenant


    "El Señor Universo" nace con el propósito de tender un puente entre lo terrenal y lo divino, utilizando el poder universal de la música. Este álbum busca:
    Elevar el género del bachata, infundiéndolo con temas espirituales y cósmicos profundos.
    Crear un espacio donde los oyentes puedan experimentar una conexión con lo divino a través del ritmo y la danza.
    Fomentar la reflexión sobre nuestra place en el universo y nuestra relación con lo infinito.
    Demostrar que la espiritualidad puede encontrarse en formas de expresión contemporáneas y populares.
    Unir a personas de diferentes orígenes en una experiencia compartida de música y contemplación.
    Desafiar las percepciones sobre el bachata, mostrando su potencial para transmitir mensajes profundos.
    Inspirar a otros artistas a explorar temas trascendentales en géneros musicales populares.
    La intención es que cada canción sirva como un portal, permitiendo a los oyentes sumergirse en el ritmo mientras se elevan hacia una conciencia más amplia. "El Señor Universo" aspira a ser más que un álbum; busca ser una experiencia transformadora que resuene en el cuerpo, la mente y el alma.

    "El Señor Universo" (The Lord of the Universe) is born with the purpose of bridging the earthly and the divine, using the universal power of music. This album seeks to:
    Elevate the bachata genre by infusing it with deep spiritual and cosmic themes.
    Create a space where listeners can experience a connection with the divine through rhythm and dance.
    Encourage reflection on our place in the universe and our relationship with the infinite.
    Demonstrate that spirituality can be found in contemporary and popular forms of expression.

    Unite people from different backgrounds in a shared experience of music and contemplation.
    Challenge perceptions about bachata, showcasing its potential to convey profound messages.
    Inspire other artists to explore transcendental themes in popular music genres.
    The intention is for each song to serve as a portal, allowing listeners to immerse themselves in the rhythm while elevating themselves towards a broader consciousness. "El Señor Universo" aspires to be more than an album; it seeks to be a transformative experience that resonates in body, mind, and soul.

    Albamu hii ya dhana, "Fikra za Milele", ina lengo la kuchunguza na kuelezea kwa undani dhana ya Walinzi wa Fikra kupitia muziki wa Kiafrika. Madhumuni yake ni kuwasilisha mawazo ya kiroho na kifalsafa yaliyomo katika maandishi ya chanzo kwa njia ya burudani na ya kuvutia zaidi.
    Nia yetu ni kuunda safari ya kimazingira ya sauti ambayo inaelezea asili ya kiungu ya Walinzi wa Fikra, uhusiano wao na wanadamu, na safari ya kiroho ambayo wanatuongoza. Kupitia muunganiko wa lugha ya Kiswahili, midundo ya Kiafrika, na dhana za kale na za kisasa za kiroho, tunalenga kuunda tajriba ya kipekee ya kusikiliza ambayo inaweza kugusa wasikilizaji kitamaduni na kihisia.
    Albamu hii inakusudia kuwafanya wasikilizaji kutafakari juu ya nafasi yao katika ulimwengu mpana, uhusiano wao na Mungu, na uwezekano wa ukuaji wa kiroho. Inaangazia mada kama vile chaguo huru, upendo wa milele, umoja wa kiungu, na safari isiyoisha ya ukuaji wa kiroho.
    Kwa jumla, "Fikra za Milele" inakusudia kuwa daraja kati ya falsafa ya kina na muziki wa kupendeza, ikitoa njia ya kupata maarifa ya kiroho kupitia sanaa.

    This concept album, "Thoughts of Eternity", aims to explore and elucidate the concept of Thought Adjusters through African music. Its purpose is to present the spiritual and philosophical ideas contained in the source text in a more entertaining and engaging manner.
    Our intention is to create an immersive audio journey that explains the divine nature of Thought Adjusters, their relationship with humans, and the spiritual journey they guide us through. By blending Swahili language, African rhythms, and both ancient and modern spiritual concepts, we aim to create a unique listening experience that can resonate with listeners both culturally and emotionally.
    The album is designed to make listeners reflect on their place in the broader universe, their relationship with God, and the potential for spiritual growth. It highlights themes such as free will, eternal love, divine unity, and the endless journey of spiritual growth.
    Overall, "Thoughts of Eternity" is intended to be a bridge between profound philosophy and enjoyable music, offering a way to access spiritual insights through art.

    source: 107

    Urantia Religions

    Urantia Religions

    The many religions of Urantia are all good to the extent that they bring man to God and bring the realization of the Father to man. It is a fallacy for any group of religionists to conceive of their creed as The Truth; such attitudes bespeak more of theological arrogance than of certainty of faith. There is not a Urantia religion that could not profitably study and assimilate the best of the truths contained in every other faith, for all contain truth. Religionists would do better to borrow the best in their neighbors' living spiritual faith rather than to denounce the worst in their lingering superstitions and outworn rituals.