COMPARE, by Tom Allen: Most institutions demand unqualified faith; but the institution of science makes skepticism a virtue

    Paul Kemp Administrator

    COMPARE, by Tom Allen:



    COMPARE, by Tom Allen:

     Most institutions demand unqualified faith; but the institution of science makes       skepticism a virtue.
      --Robert King Merton, sociologist (1910-2003)

     UB (102:1.3) The more of science you know, the less sure you can be; the more of religion   you have, the more certain you are.

        Robert King Merton was an American sociologist. He spent most of his career teaching at Columbia University, where he attained the rank of University Professor. In 1994 he was awarded the National Medal of Science for his contributions to the field and for having founded the sociology of science. He is considered a founding father of modern sociology.

        Merton developed notable concepts such as "unintended consequences", the "reference group", and "role strain", but is perhaps best known for the terms "role model" and "self-fulfilling prophecy". A central element of modern sociological, political, and economic theory, the "self-fulfilling prophecy" is a process whereby a belief or expectation, correct or incorrect, affects the outcome of a situation or the way a person or group will behave.

        Merton's work on the "role model" first appeared in a study on the socialization of medical students at Columbia University. The term grew from his theory of the reference group, the group to which individuals compare themselves but to which they do not necessarily belong. Social roles were central to Merton's theory of social groups. Merton emphasized that, rather than a person assuming one role and one status, they have a status set in the social structure that has, attached to it, a whole set of expected behaviors.


    One World Philosophy

    One World Philosophy

    There are just three elements in universal reality: fact, idea, and relation. The religious consciousness identifies these realities as science, philosophy, and truth. Philosophy would be inclined to view these activities as reason, wisdom, and faith -- physical reality, intellectual reality, and spiritual reality. We are in the habit of designating these realities as thing, meaning, and value.