The Efficacy of Prayer and Living Faith

The Efficacy of Prayer and Living Faith


Regardless of what is going on in our lives and around us we can be confident in our Abba Father, that He will never leave us nor forsake us and that is hope.

Therefore we know that we are not alone and He is there to strengthen, provide, protect, heal, gives us peace, and whatever we need to succeed.

God's plan for us is good and he wants to give us hope and a future. God is always doing His part, what He says He will do, He always does, God does not lie, He is constant, therefore He never changes. So as you go through this week, keep your eyes on Jesus and not on your circumstances, He is the master of all storms.

Our part is to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding, in all our ways, to acknowledge Him so that He can direct our pathway. Do not allow your circumstances or what is going on around you cause you to lose your focus on God. 

I know we are going through difficult times, not only in our own lives, and our nation but the whole world around us. There are so many destructions, there is the virus, floods, fires, hurricanes, wars, starvation, so many are people are suffering and dying and that cause us to worry, panic or even  start questioning God's existence in all of this.

When the Israelite went into captivity God was right there with them, He never left them, instead He said

"when they seek him with all their hearts, they will find Him." 

It is now time for us to seek God with all our hearts and find Him so He can bring us out of whatever captivity we are facing. Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His Might.

Have a blessed week and stay always in prayer.



NEW LIFE AFRICA MINISTRIES Bishop Joseph Oyuki Jinja,Uganda We equip believers, empower leaders to establish disciple making churches.