The MEGA Movement
Over the next few decades there will be according to scientists a net increase in global temperatures of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. The oceans will rise 1-4 feet and hurricanes will be stronger and more intense. Precipitation patterns will change and droughts and flood will increase. The Arctic will soon be completely ice free in the summer months.
The cause of this climate change according to 97% of scientists is greenhouse gases emitted from fossil fuel consumption. Our global economy runs on oil and the elites who run the global economy are dependent on oil to keep them in power. Changing our economy to an environmentally sustainable economy will crush their dominance over all societies or at the very least reduce their power and increase the power of the average person.
Stating the obvious: The trouble with control freaks is that they like to be in control. So is it all the fault of the elites? No not really but yes kind of...
Democracy is not something that is given to us naturally. It is something that the people must force upon their government. Change has to come from the grassroots level through a global movement of epic proportions or we are all going to die.
Sorry if that sounds radical or extremist but it is nonetheless the truth.
The world’s number one polluter is the US military with jets flying 24/7 and aircraft carriers that consume as much fuel in an hour as 186,000 cars. The United States is in many ways a microcosm of the rest of the world. The eye of the hurricane.
My prediction for the future is that the barometer of US military spending is the best indicator of whether or not the elites are complying with the rest of the world’s desire to survive. Or conversely whether the US/NATO/Israel alliance is willing to risk it all in their bid for global supremacy. So far the barometer indicates that a perfect storm of apocalyptic proportions is coming…
If we want to Make Earth Great Again it isn’t up to our current breed of one percent control freaks. It’s up to you and me. They ain’t gonna cuz they don’t wanna... there is nothing in it for them or at least that’s how they think. They are motivated by profit not service.
What really needs to happen on a global level is a change in our fundamental ethical motivation from a profit based economy to a service based community. People need to get off their nationalist agenda and become world conscious...or we’re all going to expire not with a bang but a whimper.
Let’s Make Earth Great Again