Please Note SFN does not issue tax receipts. The gift must be entirely your own. Organizations receiving the funds may issue tax receipts. So please contact them and make inquiries.
SFN Women's Corps Uganda Rules
Donor Terms and Conditions
- option for anonymous donations, if desired (if so, only the recipient knows the identity of the donor for receipt issuing purposes);
- option to donate without registering to SFN;
- option to follow the project, receive email notifications of comments and updates;
- chance to receive rewards when offered by campaigners.
Crowdfunding on SFN also:
- is Multilingual;
- is Multicurrency;
- accepts payments via Credit Card and Paypal. Note: bank transfers are disabled.
Three different types of campaigns:
- All or nothing (with or without rewards for the donor) - This type of campaign needs a total goal to be reached by campaign's end date. If this condition is false at the closing date of the campaign all donations are refunded. This type of campaign is generally used when the project to be funded needs the total target, 100% of the amount indicated.
- Moneypot (with or without rewards for the donor) - This type of campaign accepts all donations. It's the perfect one to choose when it is not necessary to reach 100% of the target, ie. for daily operational needs for which any donation helps.
- Relief (no rewards for the donor) - This type of campaign only allows in-kind donations ie. for emergencies, natural disasters etc .. Choosing this type of campaign offers the option to add a list of needed items and specify collection and delivery terms.
For "All or Nothing" and "Moneypot" campaigns donations can be accepted via:
- Wire transfer. Fee for the donor depends on his bank's contract for the underlying bank account. The recipient pays a one-per-campaign fee of € 1.10 at the end of the campaign for the single transfer from SFN's to his account.
- Money Transfer Fees Owner of the Campaign must pay all gateway transfer fees when collecting money from the Campaign Account. These fees fluctuate, and some companies charge a minimum fee. Therefore, transfers are restricted to amounts over $100.00 CAD unless there is an emergency funding requirement.
- PayPal. The donor is not required to open an account on Paypal, can use one of his cards, or PayPal's prepaid or his Paypal's funds. Donor does not pay any fee while recipient pays 0.35 € + 3.4% (here the updated conditions).
FEES - SFN AND SUSTAINABILITY Gateway and Money Transfers
Funds Received
- PayPay. The donor is not required to open an account on Paypal, can use one of his cards, or PayPal's prepaid or his Paypal's funds. Donor does not pay any fee while recipient pays 0.35 € + 3.4% (here the updated conditions).
Payments Out
- Western Union ○ World Remit ○ WePay ○ Other Transfer Methods. These fees vary from 5% to 15% with different gateway Companies and the methods used to access these gateways. SFN when in possession of sufficient funds from their own Campaign Fundraiser will pay these gateway and transfer fees, otherwise the gateway and transfer fees will be deduced from the total received donation funds. Campaign Fundraising Rules and Conditions Spiritual Family Network hereafter called SFN
- Payments SFN will transfer funds collected at the end of each month to meet the monthly costs of living for Children’s Ministries. NGO/CBS
All campaigns, including fundraising, following emergencies and disasters see no fee by SFN (except for the above listed ones charged by payment gateways, independent from us).
For standard crowdfunding campaigns, SFN Retains the option to keep a commission, to our knowledge to date, at market's minimum, of 3%. These fees will be used to pay administration of the Campaign Fundraising should this become necessary. (SEE PAYMENTS OUT)
Please Note: Upon successfully completing a Donation you will receive an email from PayPal the international gateway for the Campaigns on Spiritual Family Network confirming receipt of your donation. If you are a Member of Spiritual Family Network you will also receive a confirmation email for your donation with a direct link to following up on the News of the Campaign you have just contributed to.