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    • Frank Peace Cavani
      Frank Peace Cavani commented on the photo Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
      Amen, great man of God
      • Paul Kemp Administrator
        The Urantia Book   PAPER 179        THE LAST SUPPER  179:0.1 DURING the afternoon of this Thursday, when Philip reminded the Master about the approaching Passover and inquired concerning his plans for its celebration, he had...
        • Paul Kemp Administrator
          The Urantia Book   PAPER 180        THE FAREWELL DISCOURSE  180:0.1 AFTER singing the Psalm at the conclusion of the Last Supper, the apostles thought that Jesus intended to return immediately to the camp, but he indicated...
          • Paul Kemp Administrator
            The Urantia Book   PAPER 181        FINAL ADMONITIONS AND WARNINGS 181:0.1 AFTER the conclusion of the farewell discourse to the eleven, Jesus visited informally with them and recounted many experiences which concerned them...
            • Paul Kemp Administrator
              Music has power a whole world to transform. 

              "Glorious" by David Archuleta from Meet the Mormons Cover by One Voice Children's Choir


              Social Networking For The World Wide Spiritual Fellowship Of All Mankind

              • Paul Kemp Administrator
                TEDxSF - Louie Schwartzberg - Gratitude The Master never tired of requesting his Apostles, Evangels, and his Disciples to "Be of Good Cheer"  This video is a modern day admonition to be and do just that. And demonstrates the focus it requires.
                • Paul Kemp Administrator
                  The Urantia Book   PAPER 182        IN GETHSEMANE  182:0.1 IT WAS about ten o'clock this Thursday night when Jesus led the eleven apostles from the home of Elijah and Mary Mark on their way back to the Gethsemane camp. Ever...
                  • Paul Kemp Administrator
                    The Urantia Book   PAPER 183        THE BETRAYAL AND ARREST OF JESUS  The Urantia Book 183:0.1 AFTER Jesus had finally awakened Peter, James, and John, he suggested that they go to their tents and seek sleep in preparation...
                    • Paul Kemp Administrator
                      Paul Kemp Administrator is now a friend with Bill Bricker
                        Paul Kemp Administrator
                          Bill Bricker
                          • Paul Kemp Administrator
                            Paul Kemp Administrator provided an answer for the question Does God's Spirit slumber with us when we sleep?
                            The spirit fragment of the Father himself is always in communication with a receptive human soul whose personality has willed such a relationship with the divine indweller of his mind and the teacher and pilot of his soul. This constant...
                            • Jacob Godwins
                              Jacob Godwins created a new photo album Jacob Godwins Post Images
                              • While we sleep
                              • Jacob Godwins
                                • SaleemMasih
                                  SaleemMasih created a new photo album Disciple Making Movement Pakistan in the group Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                  • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                  • Frank Peace Cavani
                                    Frank Peace Cavani created a new photo album Frank Peace Page Images
                                    • Frank Peace Cavani
                                    • SaleemMasih
                                      SaleemMasih added 10 photos to the album Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                      • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                      • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                      • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                      • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                      • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                      • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                      • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                      • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                      • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                      • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                      • SaleemMasih
                                        SaleemMasih added 10 photos to the album Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                        • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                        • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                        • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                        • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                        • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                        • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                        • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                        • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                        • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                        • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                        • SaleemMasih
                                          SaleemMasih created a new photo album Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                          • Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
                                          • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                            “When Jesus had thus established the supper of the remembrance, he said to the apostles: ‘And as often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me. ... This is the new Passover which I leave with you, even the memory of my bestowal life, the word...
                                            • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                              By Paul Kemp Administrator

                                              THE REMEMBRANCE SUPPER

                                              THE CALL TO ADVENTURE

                                              March 31, 2017

                                              The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh.”

                                              (UB 195:10:6)

                                                   We agree with the Midwayer who wrote the above.  We are thrilled at the prospect of building a new and transformed society – this generation’s call to adventure. And this call to adventure can be answered by anyone – rich or poor, learned or unlearned, male or female, old man or little child. All who choose to can have a share in building a spiritual brotherhood that will transform society.

                                                   A lot of activity has already begun.  Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have had the opportunity to read about this call to adventure described in The Urantia Book. Hundreds of ministries and fellowships have formed intent on fostering a spiritual brotherhood. And in the past few years, UB readers are more willing than ever to discuss ways to unite as a community. Yet, at this time, a real unified spiritual brotherhood has evaded us. Why?

                                                  We believe the reason is because those efforts were not properly directed.  The call to adventure is not merely to build a brotherhood loosely based around spiritual matters, but to build a spiritual brotherhood based on what Jesus taught about brotherhood – as quoted above, “the spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of the kingdom.”  That has been the missing link.

                                                    We can ‘find’ that link in a united commemoration of The Remembrance Supper – the one and only sacrament Jesus ever asked his followers to commemorate, and the one and only sacrament that celebrates the Spirit of Truth of the Son fraternizing with the indwelling Divine Spirit Fragment of the Father.  This divine communion is undoubtedly the best foundation for fostering a spiritual brotherhood based on the teaching of Jesus.

                                                   This year, we encourage all UB readers to join together in a united commemoration of The Remembrance Supper on April 6th after sundown, the anniversary of the first Remembrance Supper, without ecclesiastical sanction and in the private rooms of friends.  We invite all UB readers, including those in the Teaching Mission, the scholars and academics, the UFO hunters, the interfaith participants, the Jesus respecters, and the Jesus lovers. We invite those who are isolated, and those who have become disillusioned, discouraged, and disgusted with the lack of a spiritual brotherhood to join with us in this new movement for a new day to prepare us all to answer ‘the call to adventure.’

                                                   No other movement can do this.  No other religious crusade, no political campaign, no social experiment can ‘build a new and transformed society’ better or faster than those who answer the call to adventure described in The Urantia Book and who are united in the Jesus brotherhood.  This is not the work of passive evolution.  This call must be answered by spiritfilled sons of God who desire to create the change we need and who are courageous enough to follow the directions of the revelatory commission to quicken our path toward light and life. 

                                              And then will these spirit-born souls quickly supply the leadership and inspiration requisite for the social, moral, economic, and political reorganization of the world.”

                                              (UB 195:9:4) 

                                                   We marvel at these words:

                                              Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment.

                                              (UB 195:9:2)

                                                   They indicate that our world is prepared for change, and it will not take much to push us over the brink and into an era of spiritual enlightenment.  We are closer than we think to light and life.  But it will take the united effort of a worldwide spiritual brotherhood – ‘ten men all pushing in the same direction at the same moment.’ (UB 81:6.37)

                                                  Join us, and your fellow UB readers in this year’s Remembrance Supper commemoration on April 6th, and prepare yourself to answer the call to adventure!  And if you do, write us and share your experience and whether you think this annual tradition can unify our community.

                                              Your Brothers in the Master's Ministry,




                                                Return to The Remembrance Supper 

                                            • Paul Kemp Administrator
                                              By Paul Kemp Administrator

                                              THE REMEMBRANCE SUPPER

                                              GREETINGS FROM OUR BROTHERS



                                                   Each year, we reach out to all faith sons of God who make it a point to commemorate the Remembrance Supper Jesus instituted on the night before his execution.  In the past, we asked that you write us and share your experience.  This year we are asking that the faith sons that are able to send audio snippets of their evening!

                                                   Perhaps someone in the group can record a brief greeting on their cell phone to all the faith sons around the world who also participated in this year’s Remembrance Supper, letting us know where you are, how many attended and how the evening went.  We will post your audio snippets on this page for the encouragement of all.  Some have suggested that we send in photos of the groups.  That is welcomed as well!

                                                 We look forward to a very spirit-filled Remembrance Supper on April 6, 2017, with full participation by all who love our Sovereign and long for the establishment of a worldwide spiritual brotherhood.  This is a great first step, so please don’t forget to share your evening with us, in writing, in audio or in picture.

                                              Your Brothers in the Master's Ministry,




                                                Return to The Remembrance Supper 

                                            • Paul Kemp Administrator
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