The Urantia Book’s Planetary History: A Credibility Check" • Presented by Halbert Katzen

The Urantia Book’s Planetary History: A Credibility Check" • Presented by Halbert Katzen

Hal Katzen has graduate degrees in law and business. About ten years ago, he brought his advanced education to bear on a specific subject—documenting how new discoveries and scientific advances increasingly support The Urantia Book’s statements about planetary history. As a public service, his “UBtheNews” project now offers over thirty different reports and research topics on this subject. For example, the excavation of the Gobekli Tepe archeological site in Turkey and advances in DNA research led to Hal’s research reports related to what The Urantia Book says about our genetic history. This topic encompasses issues related to the introduction of extra-human genes into our gene pool, which, in turn, raises the fundamental question of our relationship to the cosmos. The UBtheNEWS report on Adam and Eve, in particular, brings to light an intriguing intersection between recent DNA research and what The Urantia Book reveals about the celestial master plan for the progressive evolution of both human genetics and human souls. Katzen covers these topics and many more in this keynote presentation at the "Evolutionary Revelation" conference in June 2014.



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