Results for "balance"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Miyoko Shida Rigolo - an incredible performance in the triune balance of Body ● Mind ● Spirit

      P● 110:6.4  When the development of the intellectual nature proceeds faster than that of the spiritual, such a situation renders communication with the Thought Adjuster both difficult and dangerous. Likewise, overspiritual development tends to produce a fanatical and pervert...

      Tags: Balance, Arts, Triune Balance, Perfect Poise

      • Bill Bricker

        The Perfect Balance

        The Perfect Balance ~     Jesus was the perfect balance in a human personality. He was all the things many of us aspire to be when we aim at that perfection in life's doings. A perfectly unified personality, and the perfect example of how each of us ca...

        Tags: Jesus, balance, personality, perfection, unified, Urantia Book

        • Strange Preacher

          The Mind

          The mind is designed for the contemplation of great things. In the absence of great things it makes a great fuss over little things. Therefore, the contemplation of the Infinite is necessary if we are to keep all things in their true perspective.

          Tags: Mind, balance, mental health, infinity