Results for "The Broken Century"

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    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

      Nothing Is Impossible With Courageous Heart. I humbly request us to memorize Biblical Book Of Matthew 19:26 and re...dst of seemingly impossible circumstances—serious illness, financial problems, broken...

      • Walker Road Revival

        Civil Unrest We're 16 weeks into continued violent protests and rioting in Paris. Th...f western nations has paralled the increase in wealth inequality over the last century. Secularization and materiali...

        • Mugweri Philly

          Almighty and most Merciful God, we remember before you all poor and neglected persons whom it would be easy for us to forget. The homeless and the distitute, the old and the sick, and all who have none to care for them. Help us to heal those who are broken in body or spirit. Amen

          • Faith Anthony

            Take our Survey: What Kind of Christian are You? How to Know God Personally What does it take to begin a relation...self-will, we chose to go our own independent way, and fellowship with God was broken....

            • Gumisiriza Julius

              ABOUT FEEDING THE FIVE THOUSAND The Urantia Book; Paper 152, Section 2 P1700:2, 152:2.1 Jesus continued to te...And when they had finished eating, Jesus said to the disciples: "Gather up the broken...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                My Divine Instruction of the Great Adonai I AM is the most practical application of t...f God man can give, and is the completion of My Work which began during My 1st century Life on Earth! The Great Crea...

                • Ngambeki Barnabas

                  The New Apostles' Creed of the 21st Century As a Newly Faithful Apostle of the World... I believe in the One Indescribable God, the Father and Mother Almighty of all lives who is of I...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Barnabas Apostles Creed for the 21st Century is posted here

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      103:1.1 The unity of religious experience among a social or racial group derives from...tation of religious thought and experience is shown by the fact that twentieth-century theologians and philosophers...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        103:1.1 The unity of religious experience among a social or racial group derives from...tation of religious thought and experience is shown by the fact that twentieth-century theologians and philosophers...