Results for "God"

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    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

      Relying on God's Word without reservation in that,the wisdom/ energy it carries is ever functional.

      Relying on God's Word without reservation in that,the wisdom/ energy it carries is ever...han those that were available anywhere before on the planet! Mortals live in God, and so God has willed to liv...

      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

        I Can Not Afford Not To Lean Upon Our Ever Dependable and Reliable Maker Instead Of My Own Understanding. The Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due...u surrender/Submit yourself to the direction of God Almighty and allow yourself t...d dominant over the mind of an ascending son of God. ~ The Urantia Book, (130:4.3...

        • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.


          ...OM DESTINY TO DIVINITY The great God makes direct contact with mor...self to live and dwell within him. God has embarked upon the eternal...igh destiny established by a loving God as the universe goal of his a...iritual Routines or Disciplines. God will ordain times when our di...

          • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

            God created us to be a light

            God created us to be a light God created us to be a light. We are his image where he shines. When we stop trying to control our own life and surrender to His will only then we...


              An appeal for help in troubled times

     will prove true: "Whoso stops his ears to the cry of the poor, he also shall some day cry for help, and no one will hear him." May God bless you abundantly Matth...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Voices of the Prophets on Quora

                ...r name is Joamme (a gift from God) and I first made living cont...r name is Joamme (a gift from God) and I first made living cont...p; When was the concept of God first introduced in history?   Is praying to God effective? Paul Kemp Pr...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Voices of the Prophets on Quora

                  ...r name is Joamme (a gift from God) and I first made living cont...;These beautiful ministers of God; the offspring of the Bride o...Share   Who was God’s first angel?   Is praying to God effective? Paul Kemp Pr...

                  • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                    He called me and staff to come up with Samaritan Foundation Orphanage

                    He called me and staff to come up with Samaritan Foundation Orphanage Helping is a call from God and before his voice declares you to support any needy you can't sta...

                    • Andera Sylivia

                      THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING

             for these children. Everything  can make a difference with any material support or donations. This will open a way forward. God bless you and greetings from...

                      • NAKIBINGE DERRICK

                        Jesus' Birthday

                        ...ALL BE CALLED WONDERFUL, COUNSELLOR, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER THE to the poor".   Thank you, God bless you The reason as to...among others as a way of showing these children God's love Transport and th...