Results for "Arts and Craft etc."

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    • Strokes of Hope

      I am building a home & school in Lagos Africa for underprivileged children, I firmly would like to help out check out message me. I am donating all the proceeds of my arts...

      • Gumisiriza Julius

        ABOUT FEEDING THE FIVE THOUSAND The Urantia Book; Paper 152, Section 2 P1700:2,...he direction taken by Jesus' boat, and hiring every craft available, they started out i...As we strive more and more to find him within our hearts...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          htt81:3.7 The traveling trader and the roving explorer did more to advance historic civiliza...ondary to the trading relations, which were ever accelerated by the rapidly developing arts...

          • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

            (587.2) 51:6.4 The schools of the Planetary Prince are primarily concerned with philosophy,...stic achievements. The garden schools of Adam and Eve are usually devoted to practical arts...