Results for "Goodness"


    • Bill Bricker

      We Who Believe

      ...tion to stand on in our life.  A deep value of truth, beauty, and goodness shown to the world as Love. &...the idealization of self, nature’s upthrust, the inclination to goodness, the forward impulse of evolu...

      • Bill Bricker

        Mota #17 Ambition ~

        ...all levels. So virtue comes to those who just do their thing with a good heart -- not only a subjective yearning to be good, an actual action of goodness creates real virtue. &nb...

        • The Strange Preacher

          Neurophysical Factors in Religious Thinking

          ...eived limited resources of an environment. Dominance is little concerned with things like: Fairness, Justice, Karma, Morality, Ethics, Mercy, and Goodness. These ideals and values are...

          • Bill Bricker

            Seeds in the Wind

            ...row in the roots of our Being as Spiritual Values of Truth, Beauty and Goodness, manifested in real life as L...ntegrated modern concepts of cosmic truth, universe beauty, and divine goodness. Such a new and righteous vis...

            • Garrdin

              Three distinct forms of religious devotion

              ...True religion—the religion of revelation. The revelation of supernatural values, a partial insight into eternal realities, a glimpse of the goodness and beauty of the infinite ch...

              • Garrdin


                  Divinity is creature comprehensible as truth, beauty, and goodness; correlated in personality as love, mercy, and ministry; disclosed on impersonal levels as justice, power, and sovereignty. 0:1.17

                • Garrdin


                  Divinity   Divinity is creature comprehensible as truth, beauty, and goodness; correlated in personality as love, mercy, and ministry; disclosed on impersonal levels as justice, power, and sovereignty. 0:1.17

                  • Bill Bricker

                    The Right Path

           Does faith, after all, triumph over evil, sin, and iniquity? It does. And the life and death of Jesus are the eternal proof that the truth of goodness and the faith of the spirit-l...

                    • Garrdin

                      Beauty, rhythm, and harmony

                      ...ciated and spiritually akin. Truth, fact, and relationship are intellectually inseparable and associated with the philosophic concepts of beauty. Goodness, righteousness, and justice a...

                      • i Witness NEWS

                        The Responsibility of Wealth

                        ...ouch and, in saying farewell for the night, delivered himself of this promise: "My good friend, I perceive you are a man of great wisdom and goodness, and tomorrow I will begin th...